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Are there any ads on SaveFrom?

We aim to keep our platform clean and user-friendly. Our downloads are free from intrusive ads that might disrupt your browsing experience.

Which video formats are supported?

SaveFrom supports multiple video and audio formats, including: MP4 and MP4.

Can I download videos in HD quality?

Yes, SaveFrom allows you to download videos in various resolutions, including HD and Full HD (1080p) when available. The quality options depend on the original video.

Is SaveFrom free to use?

Yes, our service is completely free, and you don’t need to register or create an account to download or convert videos.

Are there any limitations on downloads?

While SaveFrom is free, there may be occasional limitations on the length or number of downloads based on server capacity and video length. We recommend using shorter videos for optimal performance. Videos longer than 4h are not accepted!

Do I need any special software to use SaveFrom?

No, SaveFrom is a web-based tool, so you don’t need to install any software. Simply access our website, paste the video URL, and start downloading directly from your browser.

Is it safe to use SaveFrom?

Yes, SaveFrom is safe to use. We prioritize user security and ensure that all files are scanned for viruses before being available for download.

Can I convert videos from other websites?

Currently, SaveFrom primarily supports YouTube videos. However, we are constantly expanding our compatibility and may include support for other popular video platforms in the future.

If a YouTube video link is not working, make sure it is valid and correctly copied. If issues persist, try again later as the video might be restricted or unavailable. Live and private videos cannot be converted.

Who can I contact for support?

For any technical issues or questions, please visit our contact us page.